{Links to online videos of several of these worship elements will be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Gathering Hymn “God is here among us” HWB #16
>; cello, Jack Rutt, at Menn. Cong. of Boston
Call to Worship Based on Hab. 2.20; Isa. 6 WW1, #97
Leader: The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.
People: God is here among us and within us. We await God’s word.
L: God’s greatness fills us with wonder and with awe.
P: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.
All: We worship a holy God, who inhabits our world and lives within us.
Preludes {videos} Audra Entz and Wyatt Klingenberg
Children’s Time {video} Michael Unruh
Hymn “Christ is our cornerstone” HWB #43
>; piano accompaniment by Andrew Remillard
Scriptures Exodus 25:1-9; Ephesians 2:19-22
Meditation “God is a camper” {video} Michael Unruh
Response Hymn “Sanctuary” Familiar camp song
>; rendition by Randy Rothwell
Work of the Church Camp Mennoscah update {video} Michael Unruh
Offering Camp Mennoscah
Thanks to those who’ve mailed in donations or dropped them by the church; when preparing checks, please make to “Zion Mennonite Church,” and then indicate the designation in the memo line.
Offertory {video} Emma Entz
Sharing (Please communicate to the pastors any sharing you’d like distributed in the future.
• As best we’re aware, members and friends of our church family continue to be reasonably healthy at present. Elmo has been ill with chest congestion over the last couple weeks but tested negative for COVID-19, spent some time recovering at home, and is now going back to the office.
• Ralph and Jeanne Schmidt are grandparents once more; Jude Archer Schmidt Gehrig was born in Denver to Jill and Ben on May 8, and all are doing well.
• Bethel College holds its first-ever virtual commencement this afternoon. Pray for the 99 graduating seniors and their families as they gather in their homes, and for those who choose not to participate or are unable to do so. Pray for God’s strength and blessing in a time of disappointment and celebration, and a future that is both hopeful and uncertain.
• Graduation update: Jenny Regier (daughter of Daryl and Annette) learned earlier this week that she’s been awarded a two-year fellowship by the nonprofit Equal Justice Works to carry out a project she designed in immigration advocacy. After (presumably) passing the bar sometime this summer, she’ll be working with nonprofit Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) to coordinate a medical-legal partnership to improve health and legal outcomes for medically vulnerable women and gender minorities in immigration detention in Aurora, CO. Jenny interned with RMIAN after her first year at Denver Un. and is thankful for this opportunity to work with RMIAN’s talented, compassionate team.
• Support Camp Mennoscah (and similar organizations) which have been forced to significantly reduce their operations, with concomitant reductions to their revenue.
• Join Mennonite Mission Network in praising God for Noelia Fox’s recovery from COVID-19 and protection for Brian and their three daughters in Spain. Pray that God will provide as the family reconfigures their English-language school due to closure during the pandemic.
• Help us all to practice social distancing and have the discipline to stay home as much as possible, encouraging others to do the same (without shaming them). And may we have hope even in the face of daunting headlines.
Video Sharing: (We are posting a link to several short video clips from Zion families, offering prayer requests, greetings, perspective on their recent activities, challenges and celebrations during this period, favorite movies/reading/recipes, etc.).
Prayer Rosie Epp
God of mercy and presence we come to you in prayer as individuals and as families,
yet as one congregation in many places.
Hear our prayers spoken and unspoken, written and oral.
Thank you for compassion and a sense of hope so that we can manage in this time and remain faithful.
Give us rest when we are weary, strength when we are tempted, forgive us when we fail to follow your way.
Break down the walls and fortresses that divide us into us and them,
or that promote making enemies rather than friends,
and anything that prevents us from respecting and loving others as you have loved us.
Be our peace.
Ease our loneliness, our fear, our anxiety with being socially isolated and more.
We look to you and to your creation for quieting our body and soul, and connecting with you.
Keep us safe and healthy.
We pray for those who are ill, for those who are hungry, or need shelter.
May your justice come for all.
Thank you for camps like Camp Mennoscah: for the fun we have, the friends we make, the encounter we have with you, God of creation.
We pray for the staff and others who make camp a great place.
May Camp Mennoscah weather this storm of COVID-19 so it can continue to be a place where you are present.
May we continue the work begun by Jesus on this earth and strive to make this world a better, more peaceful place.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Sending Hymn “Go, my children” HWB #433
>; sung by Chapel of the Cross Ev. Lutheran Ch.
Benediction WW1, #240
We go now with faith, trusting God’s Spirit to guide us;
We go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ’s reign.
We go now with love, resting in God’s care and the care of God’s people. Amen.