You are invited to light a candle as you worship to remind you that Christ is the light of the world, the center of our faith.
Call to Worship (from the Leader resource)
Leader: In ancient times, Yahweh asked the prophet,
“Do you believe these dead bones can live again?”
People: The prophet answered, “O God, you know!”
L: In the time of Jesus, he asked Martha,
“Do you believe I am the resurrection and the life?”
P: Martha answered, “Yes, Lord, I believe.”’
L: Today God asks, “Do you trust that mourning can turn into joy?
That your weary bones will live again?”
P: We answer, “O God, show us!”
Hymn “Don’t be afraid” SJ #105
Children’s story
{A video created by Derek Klingenberg and children is being posted, with a link to be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Hymn “Leaning on the everlasting arms”
{I’m told Doug and Jude Krehbiel recently recorded this, but don’t yet have a link to an online version. Here’s a rendition by Landon Miller and Larry Schrag, two Mennonites from SD}:
Scripture Psalm 46
Meditation “God is our refuge” Rosie Epp
{A link to an online video of the message will be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Offering Mennonite World Conference
Sharing (Please communicate to the pastors any sharing you’d like distributed in the future)
• As best we're aware, all members and friends of our church family are reasonably healthy at present. Doug Brewer reports he is staying quite close to home, other than needed trips to the clinic for chemotherapy treatments.
• Jeanne Schmidt’s mother is being moved to the assisted living wing at Kidron-Bethel Village; the hope is that her father can soon be released from the health care unit to rejoin her mother.
• Some members are experiencing some anxiety related to reduced work hours, and the possibility of furlough/lay-offs.
• Remember the Evelyn Buller family this coming Tue., on this first anniversary of her death.
• Support Pastor Ray as he chairs the Western District Conference Executive Board in a (virtual) meeting this coming Sat.
• Pray for Faith Manickam, serving through Mennonite Mission Network, assisting medical personnel in hospitals and mobile clinics in India. Pray that God would guide her as she helps provide marginalized people with care and dignity, and as she discerns how God is leading her into the future.
Affirmation of Faith (from the Leader resource)
Into the silence of the void our Creator spoke, bringing life.
The Cosmic Christ and the Holy Spirit hovered over the waters--
matter from nothing,
flesh from dust,
life from lifelessness.
We believe Jesus can bring life out of nothing,
but three days is a long time to wait.
Jesus, in our waiting for new life, give us hope.
Show us your resurrection power that we may fully believe.
Hymn of Prayer “Healer of our every ill” HWB #377
Perhaps intersperse this chorus between the following prayers of intercession
Prayer[1] -Ray Reimer
We turn to you, O God;
only you, you alone—nowhere else.
In the midst of our anxiety, confidence wells up.
In our present stress and challenge, old well-being echoes.
We live into an unknown future, and the world starts to seem confident and grateful--
not because everything is known or in control,
but because of your presence, your powerful, bold, reliable presence
which looms large, larger than fear, larger than anxiety, large enough to sustain us.
And in our small vulnerability, we give thanks.
In intercession, we pray now for those who are ill with this virus, and for the families and loved ones of those who have died. Bring healing to those who are sick, protection to those who are elderly, and comfort to those who mourn. Bless those who are in quarantine and those who are awaiting test results. Be near to those who are lonely, grant patience to those who wait.
Healer of our every ill…
We pray for doctors, nurses, lab technicians, first responders, pharmacists, those working to develop vaccines and all those in health care who risk their own lives to care for others. Grant protection to them and to their families; may they know an extra measure of your grace.
Healer of our every ill…
We pray for leaders of our government and for officials around the world at all levels. Give them wisdom to act for the well-being of all people. Grant them the courage to make difficult decisions. Empower them to be truthful and to lead with compassion.
Healer of our every ill…
We pray for educators and parents, for business owners, for administrators of organizations—all facing unexpected, demanding challenges. Bless them with the wisdom they need to make the decisions that they must. Grant us all the grace to adapt to our changing world.
Healer of our every ill…
We pray for those who are most vulnerable to the economic impact of this crisis: for those with no access to health care or health insurance, for those with no paid sick leave, for children who will not eat when schools are closed and for those whose jobs are lost or threatened.
Finally, Lord, we pray for the unnamed concerns of our hearts… (silence).
In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayers.
We ask that as we offer these concerns to you we not be overcome by fear. We ask that every time we wash our hands we receive your call to open our hands, and to open our hearts to those in need. Help us to care for one another.
And may we always remember your promise: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Therefore we will not fear” (Ps 46:1-2).
Healer of our every ill…
[1] Drawing on Walter Brueggemann, Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth (2003) 141; and Carmen Schrock-Hurst, A Prayer for Mercy," Mennonite Church USA (Mar. 18, 2020).
Hymn of Benediction “The Lord lift you up” SJ #73
Here are some video links to accompany the resource suggestions distributed on Friday; may you worship well tomorrow, individually or as families!
Song–"Leaning on the everlasting arms," by Doug and Jude Krehbiel: <>.
Children's time, related to Psalm 46, by the Klingenberg girls: <>.
Meditation on Psalm 46, by Rosie Epp: <>.