The service focused on farewell to Co-Pastor Rosie Epp as she retires.

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As the congregational determined last week, we will begin worship at 9:00 A.M. this Sunday. Should adverse weather develop, we would plan to send out an e-mail cancellation notice by about 7:30 AM on Sunday (if not before).
As noted previously, we will be video recording some or all of the worship service; once that is processed and posted, we will send an e-mail with a link to the YouTube video, so that those absent might still worship with us (even if a bit delayed). We hope such posting can occur by late Sunday, but on occasion it may not occur until Monday.
Please revisit the communication distributed on June 10 concerning our protocols for regrouping. On Sunday, remember to bring:
• lawn chairs or a blanket
• comfortable clothing suitable for the weather (perhaps including a sun hat)
• water bottles (for all in your family)
• sun screen and insect repellent, if desired
• a Bible
• your own hymnbook and supplements, if you wish to follow along with the musicians
• your own pencil or pen, in case you need to jot down a note (we will not provide any writing instruments)
• your offering
I look forward to worshiping our God together in several days, albeit, in a different setting; the service will include our "farewell" to co-pastor Rosie Epp as she retires.