Offering: SafeHope / Prairie View chaplaincy program $105
May receipts-to-date for Local Fund ($12,284 needed) $8,313.52
This Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Kelsey Huxman senior recital (virtual) 3 p.m., May 15
Michael Unruh guides worship, Mennoscah update May 17
SS classes gather virtually 9-12 a.m., 8:30 p.m., May 17
Children’s Zoom gathering 10:30 a.m., May 20
Constitution Review Comm. meets via Zoom 5 p.m., May 20
Zion Zoom gathering for fellowship 7-8 p.m., May 20
Mowing church and parsonage: Don Regier Before next Sun.
Offering: Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Next Sun.
Calendar of Upcoming Zion Events
Spiritual Life Board meets via Zoom 7 p.m., May 28
Pentecost worship with communion via Zoom 10:45 a.m., May 31
Outreach Board meets via Zoom 7 p.m., June 1
Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot (postponed) 6 p.m., June 7
Governing Council meets (via Zoom?) 7 p.m., June 8
Deacons meet 9 a.m., June 9
(?) Zion summer Business Meeting 9:45 a.m., June 21
Pastors Ray and Rosie’s Schedules: One of them is at the church office some mornings, although irregularly now. You may reach them at by mail to PO Box 393, North Newton, KS 67117, or:
Pastor Ray: (316) 217-2012; text to same; <[email protected]>.
Pastor Rosie: (316) 217-7338; text to same; <[email protected]>.
If they don’t answer the phone, please leave voice messages and they’ll get back to you soon.
Congregational Announcements
Important Zoom announcement: Zoom has released several updates recently, with major changes: all meetings henceforth require a password, and all Zoom interaction soon will be encrypted (perhaps causing issues for those with slower connections or older devices). You will not be able to log onto Zoom meetings after May 31 unless you update your app by that date.
A recurring Zoom meeting has been scheduled that is open to any Zion members and friends that are interested—the equivalent of a drop in/out coffee fellowship—simply to chitchat, see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices, perhaps catch up on some news. This will occur for some weeks on Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m. The Zoom “invitation” is as follows:
Hyperlink: <
(or) meeting ID: 845 8978 9669, and meeting password: 743680
May 25: Memorial Day: Members desiring to place flowers at the Zion Menn. Ch. Cemetery are encouraged to utilize “natural/live” flowers. If it is difficult to obtain those, or cost is an issue, contact the pastors; a member has offered assistance.
June 7, 6 p.m. (tentative): Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot; bring lawn chair and hymnbook, if you have one. In view of extended closures and further counsel regarding group singing, the Outreach Board has decided to postpone this event.
Charting a path forward: In the last couple days, the Governing Council and Deacons have both considered the future as we ponder how Zion will start to gather again in person. A fair number of details remain to be worked out, but some of the determinations thus far include:
• Attendees will be strongly encouraged to “self-monitor” their own health as we “re-open,” paying particular attention to any of the now-classic symptoms and history (fever, cough, sneezing, loss of taste, etc.; recent travel to “hot spots” or contact with known cases)—and voluntarily staying home if such elements exist. And we’ll respect those who might stay away simply because of added caution.
• For those who don’t come to gathered events, we’ll try to provide a fair number of hybrid experiences, recording the “in-person” events and posting them to YouTube ASAP.
• For those who come to gathered events, we’ll strongly encourage social distancing, wearing of masks, etc. No handshakes, hugs, fist/elbow bumps, please.
• The earliest we’ll consider having “public” events is early June (after groups of up-to-90 are again permitted via state order—and if that date is postponed, we’ll postpone. Furthermore, if infections appear to be on the rise in the aftermath of the current public “re-openings” or problems start emerging from other churches regathering, we’ll reconsider). Thus, our first re-gathered event may be the hymn sing the evening of June 7 (now postponed); if that goes well, we may worship together on the morning of June 14.
• Our initial gatherings will all be outdoors (probably often under the trees in the backyard of the parsonage). Bring lawn chairs; sit together as families; keep a few feet of distance from others. If weather doesn’t allow for outside gathering, we’ll cancel in the initial weeks. When we might start gathering inside the sanctuary is yet to be determined.
• Initially we’ll primarily gather for worship; no Sunday School in person yet (further determinations of that are in process). SS classes are encouraged to continue to meet via Zoom, etc.
• Parents are encouraged to keep their children with them, and do their best to avoid personal contact amongst children; we know this will be difficult, and don’t want to be legalistic. Use of the playground equipment should probably be avoided.
Other Organizations
May 15, 3 p.m.: Kelsey Huxman’s (our choir director this past year) senior recital is being livestreamed on the Tabor College Music Department Facebook page at this date/time. Kelsey also plans to have a recital watch party/graduation party later this summer for those who miss the livestream or don’t have Facebook.
May 17, 4 p.m.: The Bethel College Class of 2020 will celebrate the 127th commencement, virtually. Join them at <
May 19, 2 p.m. EST: “Asylum” free immigration webinar. In the continuing 6-part webinar series on immigration and border realities, MCC staff and partners will provide current information and educational tools to understand asylum. In recent years thousands of people have fled persecution and arrived to the U.S. to apply for asylum. Asylum seekers must navigate a difficult and complex process that can involve multiple government agencies. More information and registration, along with recordings of past webinars, at ?
May 20, noon EST: “From hearts to hands: Material Resources” free Facebook live webinar. Featuring stories from MCC staff around the world about how resources like comforters, kits and canned meat make a difference. Join us on MCC’s Facebook page (
) for a livestream where we’ll hear directly from MCC workers in Ukraine, Jordan and Canada.
Newton Et Cetera Shop is beginning to reopen—and expand! We are preparing to receive your donated items and to welcome customers back in the shop again after our temporary COVID-19 closure. Thanks for your patience! We’re also preparing to expand our place in the community by purchasing the building next door! For updates on all fronts, including our delayed Local Giving Grant application process, check out <
> or our Facebook feed, or give us a call at 316-283-9461. To donate toward our building purchase, please mail us a check or give online at <>. Thank you for helping us share God’s love with all creation! (Two digital attachments—an annual report, and an appeal regarding the building expansion—accompany this announcement).
Camp Mennoscah announcements:
Camp Mennoscah is creating a box of activities, crafts, devotionals, nature fun and who knows what else, which will soon be available for purchase. Summer staff and program staff will also create multitudes of camp videos to share with everyone. Stay tuned!
May 23: Work & Play Day at Camp Mennoscah scheduled for this date has been canceled.
May 30: MennoDash (a Camp Mennoscah-themed fun run intended to premier on this date) has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.
Weekly spiritual support resources, from MennoMedia
Rejoice daily devotionals:
Adult Bible Study, and supplement:
Weekly nurture/faith formation support resources
from MennoMedia: Shine Sunday School lessons: Parents should have access to these.
from Springs Forth: lessons/commentary: