for May 22, 2020
Zion Mennonite Church, PO Box 68, Elbing, KS 67041
(316) 799-2017 [email protected]
Last Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Offering: Camp Mennoscah $30
May receipts-to-date for Local Fund ($12,284 needed) $11,824.27
This Week at Zion Mennonite Church
SS classes gather virtually 9-12 a.m., 8:30 p.m., May 24
Children’s Zoom gathering 10:30 a.m., May 27
Zion Zoom gathering for fellowship 7-8 p.m., May 27
Spiritual Life Board meets via Zoom 7 p.m., May 28
Mowing church and parsonage: Klingenberg / Duerksen Before next Sun.
Mowing cemetery: Matt Wedel Before next Sun.
Offering: Mennonite Church USA Next Sun.
Calendar of Upcoming Zion Events
Pentecost worship with communion via Zoom 10:45 a.m., May 31
Outreach Board meets via Zoom 7 p.m., June 1
Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot (postponed) 6 p.m., June 7
Governing Council meets (via Zoom?) 7 p.m., June 8
Deacons meet 9 a.m., June 9
(?) Zion summer Business Meeting 9:45 a.m., June 21
Pastors Ray and Rosie’s Schedules: One of them is at the church office some mornings, although irregularly now. You may reach them at by mail to PO Box 393, North Newton, KS 67117, or:
Pastor Ray: (316) 217-2012; text to same; <[email protected]>.
Pastor Rosie: (316) 217-7338; text to same; <[email protected]>.
If they don’t answer the phone, please leave voice messages and they’ll get back to you soon.
Congregational Announcements
Important Zoom announcement: Zoom has released several updates recently, with major changes: all meetings henceforth require a password, and all Zoom interaction soon will be encrypted (perhaps causing issues for those with slower connections or older devices). You will not be able to log onto Zoom meetings after May 31 unless you update your app by that date.
A recurring Zoom meeting has been scheduled that is open to any Zion members and friends that are interested—the equivalent of a drop in/out coffee fellowship—simply to chitchat, see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices, perhaps catch up on some news. This will occur for some weeks on Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m. The Zoom “invitation” is as follows:
Hyperlink: <
(or) meeting ID: 845 8978 9669, and meeting password: 743680
May 25: Memorial Day: Members desiring to place flowers at the Zion Menn. Ch. Cemetery are encouraged to utilize “natural/live” flowers. If it is difficult to obtain those, or cost is an issue, contact the pastors; a member has offered assistance.
May 31, 10:45 a.m.: We are planning a “live” Zoom worship service that all (with internet access) can join on Pentecost Sunday, including celebration of communion. Thus, those Sunday School classes that have been meeting late Sunday morning should schedule their meeting at another time on this weekend. Also, you are encouraged to have your own worship resources available (calls to worship, hymns) as they are distributed, and to acquire communion elements ahead of time.
June 7, 6 p.m. (tentative): Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot; bring lawn chair and hymnbook, if you have one. In view of extended closures and further counsel regarding group singing, the Outreach Board has decided to postpone this event.
Be part of the socially distanced Western District Conference Annual Assembly online on Aug. 1. (Note: This will replace previous plans for an in-person gathering in Texas). Webinars, worship, Danny Carroll, our keynote speaker, and some time to talk together will all be part of this grand experiment. What can the times we’re living in help us to discover about mission? About God’s love for the exile? We hope it will be possible for small groups to host Assembly watch parties together. If not, we’ll be together in Spirit and over digital media. If you would like to serve as a Zion delegate at this event, please indicate your willingness to the church office, which will pass information along to the Gifts Discernment Group prior to our summer business meeting.
Other Organizations
Mennonite Disaster Service has launched On the Level, a monthly online newsletter to inform and inspire you! In our current issue, you’ll read how MDS volunteers helped a victim of multiple disasters return home even after closing down the project. You can also learn how special funds are helping Mennonite churches in the U.S. and Canada keep their doors open. Click on this link to read more:
Weekly spiritual support resources, from MennoMedia
Rejoice daily devotionals:
Adult Bible Study, and supplement:
Weekly nurture/faith formation support resources
from MennoMedia: Shine Sunday School lessons: Parents should have access to these.
from Springs Forth: lessons/commentary:
Worship Resources: for May 24, 2020
(Scans of recommended hymns/songs are attached, should you wish to sing along, and do not have hymnal/supplement books at home).
You are invited to light a candle as you worship to remind you that Christ is the light of the world, the center of our faith.
{Links to online videos of several of these worship elements will be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Gathering Hymn “Great is thy faithfulness” HWB #327
; rendition by Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus, 2002 Spring Concert
Call to Worship Adapted from WW1, #66
Leader: Immortal God, you are from everlasting to everlasting; with you there is no beginning or end.
People: You are always creating, all things become new, yet you abide forever.
L: This Memorial Day weekend we pause to remember those forebears before us, and to ponder our own mortality.
P: May we mirror your wisdom, model your suffering love, and live out your righteousness.
All: By your grace, enable us to serve you, to worship and glorify you, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Preludes {videos} Lauren Klingenberg & Donovan Brewer
Children’s Time {video} Rosie Epp
Scripture Psalm 90, esp. vss. 2, 4, 10, 12
Meditation “The days of our lives” {video} Ray Reimer
Response Hymn “O God, our help in ages past” HWB #328
>; rendition by Sharon Menn. Bible Institute Singers
Offering Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Thanks to those who’ve mailed in donations or dropped them by the church; when preparing checks, please make to “Zion Mennonite Church,” and then indicate the designation in the memo line.
Offertory {video} Anna Klingenberg
Sharing (Please communicate to the pastors any sharing you’d like distributed in the future.
• As best we’re aware, members and friends of our church family continue to be reasonably healthy at present. Several members have had medical check-ups or modest procedures recently, but all are well.
• The family of Marilyn Stucky (former Zion member) requests a card/note shower in honor of her 80th birthday on June 3; they may be sent to 1962 30th St., Peabody, KS 66866.
• Pray for the WDC Gifts Discernment Committee as it continues to select nominees for the WDC Executive Board and Commissions.
• DeeDee and Mark Landes and their three children, serving through Mennonite Mission Network, left their home in Colombia two months early due to the coronavirus pandemic. Pray for the family as they grieve the early loss of relationships and as they begin to adapt to life in Kansas.
• Help us all to practice social distancing and have the discipline to stay home as much as possible, encouraging others to do the same (without shaming them). And may we have hope even in the face of daunting headlines.
Video Sharing: (We are posting a link to several short video clips from Zion families, offering prayer requests, greetings, perspective on their recent activities, challenges and celebrations during this period, favorite movies/reading/recipes, etc.).
Prayer Rosie Epp
Gentle and living God, we pause for a moment to focus on you and your impact on our lives, and on your care for the world you have created.
Thank you for life and the beauty that surrounds us, even as we wonder about the future.
We lift to you all our pain and sorrows, all our fears and anxiety, knowing you are present and concerned about each one of us.
Thank you for your love.
This weekend we remember all who have been special to us, but have died.
May the memories ease our sorrow and bring joy to our hearts.
May your hand of comfort bring healing and peace to those who struggle with illness and the fragility of life.
May we take the time now to connect, or reconnect with those who’ve made an impact on our lives.
Help us to reach out to the lonely with words of comfort and concern.
In this time of uncertainty, we look to you for guidance and patience.
In the midst of stress and anxiety give us a deep understanding of your love and care.
We pray for the teachers and students who are finishing the school year though in an unexpected way.
We pray for families and ask that relationships are finding good ways to be together.
Bring reconciliation to brokenness, break down walls that divide, and help us to see all people as your beloved children.
Thank you for this unexpected time.
May we find our faith strengthened, and see how you have given us an opportunity to transform your world into a better place.
We mourn the losses, but are also aware of blessings in this time.
Surprise us with your mighty deeds, call us to work and love in your name.
All this and more we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sending Hymn “Abide with me” HWB #653
>; King’s College Choir, Cambridge
Benediction Adapted from WW1, #227 & 240
We praise you, O God, for being with us wherever we are in this special time.
Lead us onward with courage to be witnesses of your work in the world.
Send us forth with your love, resting in your care and the care of God’s people. Amen.