for May 8, 2020
Zion Mennonite Church, PO Box 68, Elbing, KS 67041
(316) 799-2017 [email protected]
Last Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Offering: Local Fund 2,175
May receipts-to-date for Local Fund ($12,284 needed) $2,175
This Week at Zion Mennonite Church
SS classes gather virtually 9-12 a.m., 8:30 p.m., May 10
Governing Council meets via Zoom 7 p.m., May 11
Deacons meet 9 a.m., May 12
Children’s Zoom gathering 10:30 a.m., May 13
Zion Zoom gathering for fellowship 7-8 p.m., May 13
Mowing church and parsonage: Daryl Regier Before next Sun.
Mowing cemetery: Randy Preheim Before next Sun.
Offering: Camp Mennoscah Next Sun.
Calendar of Upcoming Zion Events
Michael Unruh guides worship, Mennoscah update May 17
(?) Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot 6 p.m., June 7
(?) Zion summer Business Meeting 9:45 a.m., June 21
Pastors Ray and Rosie’s Schedules: One of them is at the church office some mornings, although irregularly now. You may reach them at by mail to PO Box 393, North Newton, KS 67117, or:
Pastor Ray: (316) 217-2012; text to same; <[email protected]>.
Pastor Rosie: (316) 217-7338; text to same; <[email protected]>.
If they don’t answer the phone, please leave voice messages and they’ll get back to you soon.
Congregational Announcements
A recurring Zoom meeting has been scheduled that is open to any Zion members and friends that are interested—the equivalent of a drop in/out coffee fellowship—simply to chitchat, see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices, perhaps catch up on some news. This will occur for some weeks on Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m. The Zoom “invitation” is as follows:
Hyperlink: <
(or) meeting ID: 845 8978 9669, and meeting password: 743680
June 7, 6 p.m. (tentative): Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot; bring lawn chair and hymnbook, if you have one. Send hymn suggestions to Zion e-mail <[email protected]> by June 5.
June 12-13: The Education Board has determined that Zion’s Vacation Bible School should be canceled for these dates; potentially it may be rescheduled for late summer.
June 14: The Education Board has canceled the Sunday School Picnic we were planning to have on this date at Camp Hawk.
Other Organizations
May 11, 6:30 p.m.: Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or <[email protected]>.
May 17, 4 p.m.: The Bethel College Class of 2020 will celebrate the 127th commencement, virtually. Join them at <
COVID-19 Update from MCC-Central States: Our North Newton facility continues to be closed to the public through the month of May, however material resources donations can be left in the 24-hour donation drop-off room at any time. If you would like fabric to sew into comforters, please contact <[email protected]> and she can either deliver it or set it out in the donation room for you. We have LOTS of pre-cut squares available. Join us in caring for those who are most in need in our changing times. Monetary donations are being accepted at <
> to support water, food, hygiene and health programs around the world.
A message has been received from Prairie View thanking those who have already donated cloth face masks, but noting more could be utilized. Send donations to Prairie View at 1901 E. First Street, Newton KS 67114. Can’t get out? Let us know and we can arrange a porch pick-up. Questions? Call 800-992-6292.
The monthly newsletter from New Hope Shelter is attached; note their request for donations of cleaning supplies in particular:
Weekly spiritual support resources, from MennoMedia
Rejoice daily devotionals:
(The summer 2020 paper edition of Rejoice has arrived and is under the church mailboxes).
Adult Bible Study, and supplement:
Weekly nurture/faith formation support resources
from MennoMedia: Shine Sunday School lesson