for May 1, 2020
Zion Mennonite Church, PO Box 68, Elbing, KS 67041
(316) 799-2017 [email protected]
Last Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Offering: Apr. 19: Christian Peacemaker Teams $252.50
Apr. 26: Mennonite Central Committee $390
Apr. receipts for Local Fund ($12,284 needed) $17,110
This Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Zion Bird Walks @ Osage Nature Trail 7 & 8 a.m., May 3
SS classes gather virtually 9-12 a.m., 8:30 p.m., May 3
Children’s Zoom gathering 10:55 a.m., May 6
Zion Zoom gathering for fellowship 7-8 p.m., May 6
Mowing church and parsonage: Andrew Wedel Before next Sun.
Offering: SafeHope / Prairie View chaplaincy program Next Sun.
Calendar of Upcoming Zion Events
Governing Council (Zoom?) meeting 7 p.m., May 11
Deacons meet 9 a.m., May 12
Michael Unruh guides worship, Mennoscah update May 17
(?) Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot 6 p.m., June 7
(?) Zion summer Business Meeting 9:45 a.m., June 21
Pastors Ray and Rosie’s Schedules: One of them is at the church office some mornings, although irregularly now. You may reach them at by mail to PO Box 393, North Newton, KS 67117, or:
Pastor Ray: (316) 217-2012; text to same; <[email protected]>.
Pastor Rosie: (316) 217-7338; text to same; <[email protected]>.
If they don’t answer the phone, please leave voice messages and they’ll get back to you soon.
Congregational Announcements
A recurring Zoom meeting has been scheduled that is open to any Zion members and friends that are interested—the equivalent of a drop in/out coffee fellowship—simply to chitchat, see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices, perhaps catch up on some news. This will occur for some weeks on Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m. The Zoom “invitation” is as follows:
Hyperlink: <
(or) meeting ID: 845 8978 9669, and meeting password: 743680
May 3, 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.: Zion Bird Walks (each limited to 10 people), led by Jim Nickel at Osage Nature trailhead (1 mile north of north end of Harvey County park, then west); e-mail Rosie <[email protected]> if you want to participate, indicating time preference.
June 7, 6 p.m. (tentative): Hymn sing on Zion church parking lot; bring lawn chair and hymnbook, if you have one. Send hymn suggestions to Zion e-mail <[email protected]> by June 5.
2020 Graduates associated Zion Menn. Ch. (Elbing)
Adam Kasitz (grandson of Virgil and Nadine Epp), graduating in May from Maize South High School (Maize, KS). Adam will be attending Taylor University in Upland, IN, this fall studying Sports Administration and Finance, and competing in golf.
Rylan Kasitz (grandson of Virgil and Nadine Epp) will graduate from Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS) in May, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. This coming August he’ll enter the graduate Computer Science Program at the Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, also serving as a teaching assistant.
Spencer Barr (grandson of Virgil and Nadine Epp) will graduate with a degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University, Lafayette, IN this May; thereafter, he’ll work as a field engineer for Traylor Brothers, Inc.
Jenny Regier (daughter of Daryl Regier and Annette Voth), graduating May 16 with a Juris Doctor (JD) degree from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, following which she’ll be preparing to take the Colorado bar exam (at present scheduled for late July). Further plans pending.
Other Organizations
The following are Camp Mennoscah’s 2020 Summer Staff, ready to share community and God’s love with you, whatever the summer looks like!—Beth Balzer, Sarah Booth, Karina Brandt, Ethan Entz, Kyle Flickinger, Anna Lubbers, Seth Rudeen. We are not giving summer staffers position titles at this time. Update: Late Thurs., we received notification from Camp Mennoscah that they have made the difficult decision to cancel all 2020 summer youth camps. At this time no decisions have been made about family camp, church retreats, etc.
May 11, 6:30 p.m.: Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or <[email protected]>.
The May 2020 issues of Beyond: Faith in Action, Mennonite Mission Network’s leaflet, is attached for those receiving this digitally:
Financial support during this crisis:
(See announcements from prior weeks).
Weekly spiritual support resources, from MennoMedia
Rejoice daily devotionals:
Adult Bible Study, and supplement:
Weekly nurture/faith formation support resources
from MennoMedia: Shine Sunday School lessons: Parents should have access to these.
from Springs Forth: lessons/commentary:
Marlene Bogard is hosting a Zoom Story Hour at 11:30 a.m. (CDT) on Mondays and Thursdays, geared to ages 3-8. To get the Zoom link, email <[email protected]>.
Excerpt from Hope Helmuth, Hope’s Table (re teaching children about food):
Worship Resources: for May 3, 2020
(Scans of recommended hymns/songs are attached, should you wish to sing along, and do not have hymnal/supplement books at home).
You are invited to light a candle as you worship to remind you that Christ is the light of the world, the center of our faith.
{Links to online videos of several of these worship elements will be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Gathering hymn “Children of the heavenly Father” HWB #616
>; rendition by Oasis Chorale
Call to worship (unison) Adapted from WW1, #101
We have gathered—individually and as families—as God’s people
to delight in God’s presence, to experience God’s healing, to receive God’s grace.
Let us be reconciled and renewed as we worship our God through Christ in the Spirit.
Scripture Matthew 7:13-23
Meditation “Critical choices” {video} –Ray Reimer
Response Hymn “There’s a wideness in God’s mercy” HWB #145
>; accompaniment as performed Andrew Remillard
Offering Local Fund
Thanks to those who’ve mailed in donations or dropped them by the church; when preparing checks, please make to “Zion Mennonite Church,” and then indicate the designation in the memo line.
Sharing (Please communicate to the pastors any sharing you’d like distributed in the future.
• As best we’re aware, members and friends of our church family continue to be reasonably healthy at present.
• the members of the Howard Wedel family, reflecting this coming Sat. on the third anniversary of his death.
• generous contributions to be given to the WDC Hope Fund, to enable support for congregations facing financial hardship due to the impact of coronavirus.
• Bluffton University graduates who were scheduled to celebrate commencement today (now postponed).
• Mennonite Mission Network administrators, who request prayer for wisdom in continuing God’s ministries of healing and hope in ways that do not expose personnel and partners to undue risks of exposure to COVID-19. All travel and in-person public gatherings have been canceled or postponed. Ministry continues through online connections.
• Michael J. Sherrill, recently announced as the incoming executive director of Mennonite Mission Network, effective upon the retirement of longtime leader Stanley W. Green on July 31. See <
• Help us all to practice social distancing and have the discipline to stay home as much as possible, encouraging others to do the same (without shaming them). And may we have hope even in the face of daunting headlines.
Video Sharing: (We are posting a link to several short video clips from Zion families, offering prayer requests, greetings, perspective on their recent activities, challenges and celebrations during this period, favorite movies/reading/recipes, etc.).
Prayer –Rosie Epp
Thank you, Lord for the beauty of this earth;
thank you for spring, a season of hopefulness, with its greening trees and flowering plants—something we need right now.
Help us to see and ponder all that is around us.
Give us hope and peace.
Tend the sick, especially those suffering from the COVID virus.
Place your blessing on all and soothe the suffering.
Protect and give strength to the medical staff treating the sick.
Remember those who are weary and tired of social distancing, and give them more patience.
We pray for those living in poverty, those who are stuck at home, for those who are unemployed, those lacking access to food, and those who are stressed and emotionally weary.
We pray for farmers as they work the fields and care for cattle and hogs;
for parents trying to work as well as school their children;
for children trying to understand this new situation in life.
Help us not to be fearful.
May we not obsess about bad news and all the things we can’t do, and instead find the opportunities that can bring life:
reading, playing games, walking, laughing, cooking, and whatever brings joy and comfort.
May we breathe in your Spirit and exhale the stress and unhealthy thoughts.
Thank you for the beauty of each day, for family and friends.
Be present and call each of us to generosity, kindness, compassion, goodness and peace.
May our words and actions witness to your love for all.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,
let us find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
Sending Hymn “Move in our midst” HWB #418
>; rendition by First Ch. of the Brethren, Wichita
>; a “lighter” rendition by Mutual Kumquat, For the Beauty of the Earth album
Benediction (unison) Adapted from WW1, #227
We praise you, O God, for being with us in this special time.
Send us forth with courage to be witnesses of your work in the world.
Let us not forget your name or power; let us not miss your glory in the mundane;
let us not trample on holy ground, through Christ we pray. Amen.