Offering: Mar. 29: Mennonite World Conference $…
Mar. receipts-to-date for Local Fund ($12,284 needed) $6,085.03
This Week at Zion Mennonite Church
Children’s Zoom gathering 10:55 a.m., Apr. 8
Virtual Maundy Thurs. communion {online link on Thur.} Apr. 9
Mowing church and parsonage: Mike Scott Before next Sun.
Offering: Peace Connections / Christian Peacemaker Teams Next Sun.
Calendar of Upcoming Zion Events
Zion Governing Council (probably a virtual mtg) 7 p.m., Apr. 13
Deacons meet 9 a.m., Apr. 14
Pastors Ray and Rosie’s Schedules: One of them is at the church office some mornings, although irregularly now. You may reach them at by mail to PO Box 393, North Newton, KS 67117, or:
Pastor Ray: (316) 217-2012; text to same; <[email protected]>.
Pastor Rosie: (316) 217-7338; text to same; <[email protected]>.
If they don’t answer the phone, please leave voice messages and they’ll get back to you soon.
Congregational Announcements
Results of the mail-in election regarding the upcoming pastoral transition: The motion before the congregation to call Ray Reimer and Karen Andres “to fulfill the duties of the existing pastoral job description with the division of responsibilities as outlined” passed with an overwhelming majority of votes. –John Janzen and Ann Schowengerdt, deacons (serving as tellers).
“I accept your call to continue serving as one of your pastors, and pray that I can do so with humbleness and vigor even in these challenging times. Thanks to all members for adapting to an alternative method of discernment.” –Ray Reimer
“With gratitude and joy I accept the call as associate pastor beginning July 1. I thank the congregation for this opportunity to serve you and pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as we journey together.” –Karen Andres
Thanks to those who’ve mailed in donations or dropped them by the church; when making out checks, please make to “Zion Mennonite Church,” and then indicate the designation in the memo line. There was modest enough interest in on-line giving that we are not immediately setting up such a method.
We encourage SS classes, fellowship groups, etc. to stay connected with each other via Zoom, Facebook Live, etc. It may be wise for an individual from each group to host such meetings, as we can only have one meeting at a time on the Zion Zoom account (let Pastor Ray know if you’d like to schedule something on that account).
Next Thursday (April 9)—Maundy Thursday—pastors Ray, Rosie, and Weldon Martens will upload a virtual celebration of communion, inviting you to participate that evening in your own homes. In preparation, you may wish to gather a few items together: some juice, a bit of bread, perhaps a candle and tablecloth.
Other Organizations
Financial support during this crisis:
The Central Kansas Community Foundation has established a special helping fund: donate at <
> (they are simultaneously asking partners to assess what are their most immediate needs and submit requests).
Western District Conference is establishing a “Hope Fund,” to share financially with congregations throughout our area conference; more details will be announced next week.
Everence has significantly expanded “sharing funds” which match any grants we might make from Zion Deacons’ Fund or otherwise; let us know of congregational or local needs.
Weekly spiritual support resources, from MennoMedia
Rejoice daily devotionals:
Adult Bible Study, and supplement:
Weekly nurture/faith formation support resources, from MennoMedia
Shine Sunday School lessons: Parents should have access to these.
Marlene Bogard is hosting a Zoom Story Hour at 11:30 a.m. (CDT) on Mondays and Thursdays, geared to ages 3-8. To get the Zoom link, email <[email protected]>.
For adults, a reflection on spirituality in the age of technology is attached. “MennoMedia is offering a free excerpt from the upcoming Herald Press title Reconnect: Spiritual Restoration from Digital Distraction. In this section, author Ed Cyzewski (Flee, Be Silent, Pray) offers insight into the "reactive mind" and how that mindset can interfere with prayer. In this moment, when all of us are feeling anxious and uncertain, we hope this excerpt might help you find calm and quiet amidst the storm”:
Worship Resources: for April 5, 2020 (Palm Sunday)
(Scans of recommended hymns/songs are attached at the end of this e-mail, should you wish to sing along, and do not have hymnal/supplement books at home. We believe this falls within the “fair-use” provision of copyright law, as the church has purchased hymnals from which these are drawn—but encourage you to discard any printouts after use).
You are invited to light a candle as you worship to remind you that Christ is the light of the world, the center of our faith.
Gathering hymn “Open now thy gates of beauty” HWB #19
> (simple piano accompaniment)
> (organ arrangement)
Call to worship (from the Leader resource)
Leader: The Lord is my strength and my song and has given me victory.
Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly.
The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!
I will live to tell what the Lord has done!
People: God’s faithful love endures forever!
L: Open for me the gates where the righteous enter,
and I will go in and thank the Lord.
These gates lead to the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter there.
I thank you for answering my prayer!
P: God’s faithful love endures forever!
L: “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
We bless you from the house of the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, whose faithful love endures forever!”
P: God’s faithful love endures forever!
Children’s story / hymn “Hosanna, loud hosanna” HWB #238
>, William Neil organ rendition
{A link to an online video of our children in a “palm parade” will be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Scripture Matthew 11:1-11
Meditation “The paradox of Palm Sunday during a pandemic” Ray Reimer
{A link to an online video of the message will be e-mailed on Saturday}.
Hymn “All hail the power of Jesus’ name” HWB #106
>; by Blue Rock Mennonite Youth
>; a contemporary rendition
Offering Local Fund
Sharing (Please communicate to the pastors any sharing you’d like distributed in the future)
• As best we’re aware, members and friends of our church family are reasonably healthy at present. Bruce Janzen has shared that son Eric (in the Phoenix area) has experienced COVID19-like symptoms the last couple weeks and has been quarantining at home; he is starting to feel better. There are at least a couple positive test diagnoses within close proximity to our own community.
• Pat Ketchum from Peabody (connected with our congregation’s Food and Thought group) has been hospitalized this past week at Newton Medical Center with internal bleeding.
• Jeanne Schmidt’s mother continues to struggle while being quarantined after a transition to the assisted living wing at Kidron-Bethel Village.
• The Doris Regier family, as they reflect this Wed. on the second anniversary of her death.
• Pray for those families—including some within our fellowship—experiencing unemployment or reduced work; may we all step up to assist them as needed.
• WDC pastors as they plan creative and meaningful ways for congregations to observe Holy Week and celebrate Easter in the midst of difficult circumstances—and for those congregations struggling more with financial issues than Zion.
• Pray for MMN and MCC and other mission/service workers, as many of them have relocated or returned home on short notice, disrupting plans, programs, relationships and dreams; may God’s outreach in our world continue in other ways. Consider connecting via card or text or phone with Lara Scott, serving with MVS in Chicago at a food pantry that’s presently overwhelmed with requests (and running out of food); she’s stressed and not able to well-protect herself with social distancing: (316) 281-5374; <[email protected]>.
• Delila Wedel, as she observes her 79th birthday this coming Friday.
• Help us all to practice social distancing and have the discipline to stay home as much as possible, encouraging others to do the same (without shaming them). And may we have hope even in the face of daunting headlines.
Prayer of confession (from the Leader resource)
(Consider singing a chorus of “Kyrie eleison,” HWB #144, after each stanza—or play the following track):
>; Russian orthodox chant
Leader: O God, we come to you as the people who greeted Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, full of joy and praise and thanksgiving. Forgive us for the times we forget to show you our gratitude. Lord, have mercy.
People: (singing) “Kyrie eleison”
L: We come as the people who were baffled when they realized how quickly their joy was turned to sorrow for you. Lord, have mercy.
P: (singing) “Kyrie eleison”
L: We come, wanting to be with you as you enter the time and place of your death, knowing we cannot face this week alone. Lord, have mercy.
P: (singing) “Kyrie eleison”
Words of assurance
Know that Jesus does offer mercy and understands that hard road between joy and devastation, between belief and disbelief. Know that Jesus will never leave you and will love you on whatever part of the road you find yourself on.
Prayer -Rosie Epp
Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, Healer, be present with us in this uncertain time.
Walk with us in these days. we need you because we are not wise enough, or strong enough, or patient enough, or compassionate enough. Lord ,we need your strength and power.
Help us; give us hope beyond our fears. Help us to be resilient and to trust you.
When we feel unsafe, remind us that you are near.
When we are lonely, help us to reach out and call a friend.
We pray others as well: for all who are sick; bring healing.
We remember MCC and mission workers around the world, isolated from their families. Protect them, and may they and their neighbors have access to good medical services should they become ill.
We remember all who even “normally” have difficulty finding safe water to drink, or food to eat, or are homeless; the extra burden of the COVID-19 virus adds to their struggle.
Many are out of work, uncertain of necessities. Help us to be generous and compassionate.
(Offer your own prayer requests)
Thank you for your love, for the church. May we use this time to reconnect with you, Lord.
Forgive our sins and harsh words. Give us words of assurance in these days when the present is so different and the future so unknown.
“May God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7). Amen.
Hymn of sending “I will stand in the congregation” SS #113
May you find the balance you need in the ups and downs of your life in these turbulent days, and may you have the courage to keep walking with Jesus. Go in peace to continue your walk with Jesus. Amen.