At its meeting on Saturday, Jan. 13, the Executive Board of Western District Conference approved the following resolution: “As Christians, we on the Executive Board of the Western District Conference of Mennonite Church USA are saddened and appalled by the recent language reportedly used by President Donald Trump and the underlying sentiment toward immigrants that it reflects, including immigrants in our churches. We condemn his offensive and degrading language and attitudes toward immigrants, especially those from African countries and Haiti. We believe all peoples, wherever they are from, are loved by God and created in God’s image. We call on President Trump, other government officials, and ourselves to apologize and repent of demeaning and racist language and attitudes. We call on the people of our churches to pray and act for the well-being of all people and to call our government to act in a way that reflects the value of all human beings.” via Zion Mennonite Church - Elbing